5G in Action in Asia Pacific

5G in Action in Asia Pacific image

How Asia Pacific industries are unlocking the power of 5G connectivity

Between 2022 and 2025, mobile operators in the Asia Pacific region are set to invest US$227 billion in 5G deployments. These new networks are enabling exciting new services for consumers, while also helping to transform industry and manufacturing, and drive economic growth.

As the region looks to bounce back from the pandemic, connectivity will be crucial to rebuilding Asia-Pacific’s economies and making them more resilient to future shocks. 5G networks, cloud services, edge computing, artificial intelligence (AI), big data and the Internet of Things will all play a key role in realising the full potential of a post-pandemic digital economy.

On an economic level alone, the positive impact of new 5G networks will be huge. The GSMA forecasts that by 2030, 5G will contribute US$960 billion in global GDP2. As this report shows, key industries, such as manufacturing, logistics and healthcare, are using 5G to enable digital transformation and achieve high levels of automation and responsiveness.

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